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Blog may 2021

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How it all began...

May 21 2021

How it all began....

Sounds familiar? One day you wake up and you wonder, how did I  get to this specific point in my life? What if I’d taken a different turn somewhere along the line, where would it have gotten me?
No, no midlifecrisis, no worries! Some things are just meant to be, which path you’d have taken in life, you would have ended up in exactly the same place. This goes for the story behind Kaylenn as well.

The strength behind Kaylenn is friendship. A friendship almost counting a whole lifetime between two special ladies Gerrie and Margie, who met during their teenage years on the badminton court. Both followed their own road in life, but never lost sight of one another. In fact all the joys and sorrows are shared and even the physical distance between the two of them after Gerrie moved to Greece, didn’t affect their friendship for one bit. Mostly lots of humor, unbridled positivity and perseverance are their shared and connecting powers.

Being the “new today”, ‘working from home’, was already invented by soap queen Gerrie a decade ago. From her own kitchen the very first soaps are created. Exploded kitchen, tables filled with ingredients, tools, books and above all lots of soap creations, she literally started out at the kitchen table. Grown into a well-known name in Greece with her own shop.

Margie is the other creative brain behind Kaylenn, where Gerrie excels in soap, Margie is a seasoned, very talented graphic designer. Successful creating brands, drawing up the design for magazines, books and advertisements are business as usual for her. She as well already working for many years with her own company.

And then.... COVID-19 showed up at our doorsteps. The world got locked down, the shops closed and business became increasingly scarce. Where others might fall into a depression, these creative minds came to the conclusion that finally the time had come to combine their talents and move from the physical shop to the online platform. Forces were joined and Kaylenn was born. A long waiting wish to actually work together became true. By choosing positivity and resilience, by trial and error, and above all: by keep on going!!

That’s Kaylenn, finding beauty and positivity in life. It’s all about the little things, in friendships, in a smile, comforting and above all lots of love.
All of this brought together in a beautiful product. Kaylenn was meant to be, no matter which road was taken along the way.

And don’t think for a second this story would have come to paper if it was from their hands, because they are way to modest for that. Kaylenn is all about friendship and I am the lucky one to also have shared a lifetime friendship with these untamable ladies. I will blog, vlog and share pictures for and about them, to give an insight in their remarkable business. To show to you, how it all began... and continues!

Friend and writer of team Kaylenn, Linda