Blog juli 2021

Friends of Kaylenn_foto’s boven blogtekst

Friends of Kaylenn

June 12 2021

Friends from Kaylenn

In the first blog it was already highlighted: de power behind Kaylenn is without a doubt friendship.

Gerrie and Margie are the running engine of this unique soap organisation. But what makes this engine run? In this blog we again give a peak behind the scenes and make the ‘Happy friends from Kaylenn’ their entrance. Each and every one of them with their own specialties.

Sabine - Marketing

Sabine Nelissen

On a very young age already dazzled by Margie, her biggest fan beside and later together on the badminton court. This energetic, sporty and always cheerful lady is a master in visualising and creating the Marketing behind Kaylenn. With her extensive experience in this area she makes sure we take the right paths to eventually come where we would like to be: with you!

Celine - Styling

Celine Jens

Little niece of ‘aunt Gerrie’ and in terms of energy and cheerfulness equal to her aunt. This gorgeous young lady is unstoppable. With already both national as international work experience in the work field Styling she is a great asset for Kaylenn. She takes care of the styling of our showroom and makes sure to present the Kaylenn collection in a sparkly and natural style.

Anouk - Social Media

Anouk Dielessen

Very talented and full of creative ideas this young lady! Her mother belongs to our old badminton clan and that completes the circle again. With her fresh vision and broad knowledge on the field of Social Media, she leads us through this fast and fascinating world to show and share our Kaylenn products with you! And with great success!

Miranda - Assistant Production/Entertainment

Miranda Spiering

Typically Dutch, but also already for decades living in Greece this sweet friend of Gerrie. She is an absolute entertainer and therefor brings laughter and joy on the work floor. Beside that she amongst others makes sure that our soaps are hermetically wrapped, to keep them fresh and shiny and as such arrive in perfect condition at your home.

Linda - Blogs/Vlogs/Fotography

Linda van Voorn

Also from the former badminton pack, this somewhat older young lady (but still younger than the owners by the way). With her attentive vision and preciseness this word wizard knows how to strike the right tone in her blogs, vlogs, editorials and pictures. She knows how to spread the happy Kaylenn feeling via words and vision in such a way that we feel connected to you!

Our ‘Friends from Kaylenn’ are just as excited as we and want nothing more than just to make sure that as many people as possible get to know and experience our beautiful products. And what makes this even more special? They are in this for Friendship only, beside the fact that they are of great help to us, each one of them still has her own job and career. We are proud and very grateful to have such a positive and happy team together with all of them.

Welkoce at Kaylenn!
Perfect Teamwork that makes the Dream work!